Your Profile Did Not Transfer Successfully to Your on-board Memory Slot Please Try Again

Dec 29, 2009
  • #1
From searching the internet it looks like this is a common issue with the Razer Mamba mouse. I cannot update the firmware for the mouse for the life of me. Information technology doesn't help that I waited this long to personally ask for help on the forum.

Guides on the internet describe I have to plough off Disable Driver Signature Verification at kicking, plug the mouse in, and wait for Windows to fail at installing the driver for the mouse and from there manually install the drivers myself.

The problem is, in my case it doesn't do that. I proceed Device Manager open when plugging the mouse in. Before it would look for drivers two "Razer Mamba'southward" evidence up on the list with the question mark symbol. Then, Windows supposedly finds drivers for these two and converts them to "USB Input Device."

If I were to uninstall those drivers and replug the mouse, then it wouldn't carp looking for drivers and immediately designate them USB Input Device. Now, I can plug information technology in into another USB slot, and it'll search for drivers again, just everything I've tried doesn't help it install the right drivers, and I've now exhausted ALL of my USB ports (and I have a ton,) so now I have no inkling as what I'g suppose to do.

I did download and install the latest drives from Razer's site, information technology didn't help. The mouse nevertheless jumps the cursor a couple inches downward, and it still permit's go of the assigned key mapped to the buttons despite me still holding them down.

Delight someone help me!

Nov 30, 2012
  • #two
Hi mirb,

I'thousand having exactly the same effect with the drivers and device manager merely I take been able to update the firmware (see below). The standard USB input device drivers load and there is no mention of Razer at all.

Can you access the configurator? When I load this, I go "No Razer Mamba connected. Application will shut at present". I assume this is related to the drivers non loading correctly.

I take logged a case with Razer and so we'll see what they come up back with.

Regarding the firmware update, try the post-obit:

Open the firmware update program
Connect the USB cablevision directly to the mouse, don't plug in notwithstanding
Concord the ii mouse buttons and the wheel push button in together and plug the mouse in
(helps if you have a 2nd mouse installed as the mamba volition stop working)
Hold for v secs and so release. You should run across the drivers load again as well as the bootloader
Click adjacent on the firmware updater and it should at present update
After the mouse firmware is updated, it volition endeavor and update the dock.
Remove the USB cablevision from the mouse and connect to the dock
Unplug the USB cable from the estimator, hold the wifi push button downwards and reconnect. hold grade 5s and release. The same affair should happen as with the mouse.
Click next and the firmware should then upload to the dock

I've washed all this but nonetheless can't get the configurator to recognise the mouse.


Apr two, 2013
  • #3
Hi mirb,

I'm having exactly the aforementioned issue with the drivers and device manager simply I have been able to update the firmware (meet beneath). The standard USB input device drivers load and there is no mention of Razer at all.

Can you access the configurator? When I load this, I become "No Razer Mamba connected. Application will close now". I assume this is related to the drivers non loading correctly.

I have logged a case with Razer so we'll see what they come back with.

Regarding the firmware update, endeavour the following:

Open the firmware update plan
Connect the USB cablevision direct to the mouse, don't plug in yet
Concur the 2 mouse buttons and the cycle push in together and plug the mouse in
(helps if you take a 2nd mouse installed every bit the mamba will stop working)
Agree for five secs and so release. You should come across the drivers load over again as well equally the bootloader
Click adjacent on the firmware updater and it should at present update
After the mouse firmware is updated, it volition try and update the dock.
Remove the USB cable from the mouse and connect to the dock
Unplug the USB cable from the computer, concord the wifi button down and reconnect. hold form 5s and release. The same affair should happen as with the mouse.
Click next and the firmware should and so upload to the dock

I've done all this only still can't get the configurator to recognise the mouse.


Hello! having same issue, and its now march 2013... the guy at razer said he would have the big male child techies expect into information technology, but he did mention something near an msconfig issue... i was thinking well-nigh trying to disable the win7 hot porting auto driver downloading and installing characteristic thingy... As well i have a partitioned Bone on my SSD was wondering if this may be causing some sort of issue due to download locations...

If anyone has found a fix please let me know... i cant even get the three button deal to work during firmware updating... this is w/ the newest 2012 models... i recall im merely going to exchange information technology for another stupid expensive and probably wont function properly mouse... =P

Nov 30, 2012
  • #4
Hullo Awesome,

I got it working by running the Razer configurator as Administrator.

Follow all my other instructions to update the firmware.

Promise this helps.


  • #five
How-do-you-do Awesome,

I got information technology working by running the Razer configurator as Administrator.

Follow all my other instructions to update the firmware.

Promise this helps.

Thank you.

CougarSaint, you are an awesome, epic person! THANK Y'all!!!

Sep 13, 2013
  • #half dozen
I'chiliad having somewhat the aforementioned issue. My mamba worked for a calendar month. I recently installed Windows on my ssd, now I plug the mama in and it says general usb device ready. Nothing happens! My Anasai keyboard does not work either. I have synapse 2.0 information technology says no razer device connected? Oh and I cannot become wireless every bit my dog ate one-half of my dock.......
  • #7

Afterward the mouse firmware is updated, it will effort and update the dock.
Remove the USB cable from the mouse and connect to the dock
Unplug the USB cable from the calculator, agree the wifi button downwards and reconnect. hold form 5s and release. The aforementioned thing should happen every bit with the mouse.
Click next and the firmware should then upload to the dock

Thank you !!!

holy crap Razer can't exercise software to save their A$$es

i had a pain in the A$$ problem of the mouse existence on Firmware 1.07, yet the dock was on one.00 !?

i could only use the mouse with the USB cable plugged directly into it. i could not get the dock to update the firmware, it ever stuck at the bootloader access, and never even went by 0%.

these steps worked perfectly.

thank you again !

May 4, 2014
  • #8
Hi Awesome,

I got it working by running the Razer configurator equally Administrator.

Follow all my other instructions to update the firmware.

Promise this helps.


Thanks that was it it just needs admin rights, thank you mate.

I am tured of Synapse constantly changing my sensitivity to a crawl while changing profiles with the recent update July / August 2022 and other past issues.

I just got it to launch in windows 10, now to set it up and I'g hopping the bug isn't here too.

February eight, 2010
  • #nine
Hullo Awesome,

I got it working by running the Razer configurator as Ambassador.

Follow all my other instructions to update the firmware.

Hope this helps.


Thanks that was information technology it just needs admin rights, thank you mate.

I am tured of Synapse constantly changing my sensitivity to a clamber while changing profiles with the contempo update July / August 2022 and other past bug.

I just got it to launch in windows 10, now to fix it upwardly and I'g hopping the problems isn't here as well.

Just in case you have further problems. All you need it the mamba's driver. I uninstalled synapse and information technology works fine, change dpi and everything else I have setup works perfectly. Synapse is official garbage.

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