While bleeding afterwards sex while significant can be unsettling at all-time, it doesn't mean that something is necessarily wrong or that you have to put a halt to sexual activity. Vaginal haemorrhage occurs in 15 percent to 25 pct of pregnancies, commonly in the first trimester, but claret flow can appear on and off throughout your term.

As scary as it looks, bleeding in expectant moms can be normal. One study found that half of women with bleeding profuse enough to send them to the emergency room went on to accept healthy pregnancies. But because this symptom is so deplorable, it's e'er a expert idea to check with your practitioner to observe out what's causing your post-sexual activity blood flow, and to get the light-green light to proceed with intercourse.

What does it mean if you lot experience haemorrhage after sex while pregnant?

Light to medium bleeding subsequently sex is ordinarily due to a normal increase in the vascularity of the cervix during pregnancy. Vaginal bleeding, especially early during the commencement trimester, can exist a sign of implantation, or it could be the issue of natural changes to your cervix.

More rarely, heavy bleeding tin can exist a sign of miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. The bleeding itself is rarely anything to worry about, but you should check with your practitioner to identify the cause.

What causes haemorrhage subsequently sex during pregnancy?

In that location are several things that might be backside bleeding after sex when you lot're pregnant, including:

  • Changes to your neck. During pregnancy, the neck goes through a process called "remodeling" in preparation for birth. Remodeling causes it to change shape, open up upwards, shed cells and become quite tender. You probably won't feel information technology, but your trunk could be actress vulnerable to your partner's thrusting, which can lead to bleeds.
  • Implantation. About a week after conception, the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. This process, called implantation, tin cause a little spotting or calorie-free menses.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. Although it's unlikely, bleeding after sexual activity could be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, where the fertilized egg attaches somewhere other than the uterus.
  • Placenta previa. This status generally happens in the the 2nd or tertiary trimester and is when the placenta covers part or all of the cervix. If sex activity is followed by bright red bleeding, it could point to placenta previa every bit the crusade.
  • Placental abruption. This occurs when there's an early separation of the placenta from the uterus, which tin can cause heavy bleeding, with or without clots. If the separation is slight, in that location'south usually little danger to you or your baby. Merely if it'southward more than severe, you may need to be hospitalized — which is why it's so important to run across your doctor.
  • Early labor. If yous're having regular contractions that intensify and become more frequent even when you lot change positions, back pressure, bleeding, and pelvic pressure level well before your due date, these could exist signs of preterm labor. If you suspect labor is starting prematurely, contact your practitioner immediately.
  • Miscarriage. Sex activity does not cause miscarriage, but heavy bleeding — when you lot fill a pad every hour, or take lighter bleeding that lasts for days — sometimes indicates that a pregnancy is at risk of ending before 20 weeks. If yous suspect you are having a miscarriage, call your practitioner immediately. Many women who start to miscarry can go on to take a healthy pregnancy with guidance from their doctor.

What to practice most bleeding after sex during pregnancy

If you notice spotting or very light flow, don't insert a tampon. Instead, wear a pad. If the haemorrhage is copious or doesn't stop flowing, or is accompanied by moderate to astringent cramping, fever, back and pelvic pressure, or contractions, call your practitioner right abroad to find out what'south causing it.

Can you prevent bleeding after sex during pregnancy?

While you lot may be able to forbid some haemorrhage after sex by avoiding intercourse, that won't affect the underlying cause.

More importantly, unless your physician tells yous that intercourse or orgasm is unsafe, go along it upwards. Regular sex is i the healthiest means an expecting couple tin can reduce stress, stay connected and continue the romance alive while they're waiting for baby to arrive.

When to phone call the doctor about bleeding after sexual practice during pregnancy

Red or brown spotting or light flow mixed with mucus is normal, especially early in your pregnancy. But bleeding afterwards sexual practice while pregnant can be alarming, and then don't hesitate to bank check in with your practitioner whatever fourth dimension you find it, if simply for reassurance that sexual activeness isn't harming your baby (information technology'due south not).

If the bleeding is heavy, lasts for more than a few days, or is accompanied by cramping, pelvic pressure, back pressure, contractions or fever, bank check in with your practitioner as presently as possible. Some women feel copious bleeding throughout their pregnancies, subsequently sex and at other times too, but it'due south a good idea to rule out early labor or other medical issues. Studies confirm the benefits of sex during pregnancy, so endeavour not to let a trivial spotting prevent you lot and your partner from existence intimate.