How Yall Mfers Look When You Keep Uploading Custom Megalos

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TnB_invalidredneck Comments

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I do this for yall

i exercise this for yall


They said the horn was racist

they said the horn was racist


Let'south all take a min to acknowledge how ******* dumb the actual reason for it beingness taken down is, I mean come on. You allow the mods since day 1, and so change your mind and get rid of one after weeks of teasing and trying to come upwards with reasons for it to not exist on console... How depression would you have to stoop to exist a dev like that

let's all take a min to acknowledge how fucking dumb the actual reason for it being taken down is, i mean come on. you allow the mods since solar day 1, so change your mind and go rid of i later on weeks of teasing and trying to come up upward with reasons for it to non be on console... how low would you have to stoop to be a dev like that


Whoever thought it was a good idea to go and ban Mr_roboto72 has their head seriuosly cantankerous threaded on....... especially when its not even an alt of frogs, totally other individual go along that in mind. Yalls caput up your ***** i swear.. call back folks, stay in drugs, eat your school and dont do veggies. You lot might turn out to be a staff administrator of a video game that takes emotion into their concern choices, and you get mfers like this..

whoever idea it was a good thought to go and ban mr_roboto72 has their caput seriuosly cross threaded on....... particularly when its not even an alt of frogs, totally other individual keep that in mind. yalls head up your asses i swear.. remember folks, stay in drugs, eat your school and dont do veggies. you lot might turn out to be a staff administrator of a video game that takes emotion into their business concern choices, and yous become mfers like this..


Cheers for waiting patiently guys, and thanks to the team for approving it

thanks for waiting patiently guys, and cheers to the team for approval it


Yeah, a few stars on the glass, totally. I hateful, if you know, you know. Only someone needs to literally at-home downward.
Let me put it this fashion.. I'chiliad from southern Due north America. It's my heritage, and I value that. Y'all've seen other modders add certain things to their mods that reference their culture, why shouldn't I? IF my intention were to offend, yous'd definitely know it. Anyone with bones common sense knows that's non my intention, like I stated.

yeah, a few stars on the drinking glass, totally. i mean, if you know, yous know. only someone needs to literally calm down. let me put it this way.. i'chiliad from southern north america. it'due south my heritage, and i value that. yous've seen other modders add certain things to their mods that reference their culture, why shouldn't i? if my intention were to offend, y'all'd definitely know it. anyone with basic common sense knows that'southward not my intention, like i stated.


Nosotros can do that in a later update, but non very soon since information technology just got approved. Letting everyone go their hands on it while it's up.

we can do that in a later update, but not very soon since it simply got approved. letting anybody become their hands on information technology while it'south upwards.


I tin can smell the polygons

i tin can odour the polygons


yall should calm down

yall should calm down


Thanks for being able to recognize the hard piece of work to provide gratuitous content when others cant

thanks for being able to recognize the hard work to provide free content when others deceit


I remember my first model..
Overnice task, hope you jump up in the quality spectrum as more than come out, can't take also many truck modders out here

i call back my starting time model.. dainty job, hope you jump upward in the quality spectrum as more come out, tin't have likewise many truck modders out here


What are yous on? Frogs been playing forza you retrieve he has time to lend a hand? Plus I dont and never need his assistance making my mods, i tin can do my ain piece of work lmao

what are you lot on? frogs been playing forza you think he has time to lend a manus? plus i dont and never need his assistance making my mods, i tin can do my ain work lmao


I don't understand modding? Excuse me? 99% of the listings for this game are five minute code tweaks of the vanilla game trucks. When a true modern creator puts hours of 3D modeling, rigging, texture mapping and detailing work into a vehicle, that content is all-time left original and authentic to the creator.

Would you be too happy to see your model taken, and reuploaded by a random individual, who but made a few changes to your existing tunes and expects to have the credit for it all? I'm fine with somebody tweaking, but when information technology's reuploaded without direct permission?

If I don't understand modding, so I'd absolutely dear to see you try your mitt at producing actual content such as this, and non be disappointed to see somebody else accept credit for your hard piece of work. Had that happen terminal week, never mentioned my name in title, description, or even messaged me before-paw.

i don't empathize modding? excuse me? 99% of the listings for this game are five minute code tweaks of the vanilla game trucks. when a true mod creator puts hours of 3d modeling, rigging, texture mapping and detailing work into a vehicle, that content is best left original and accurate to the creator. would y'all be too happy to meet your model taken, and reuploaded by a random individual, who only fabricated a few changes to your existing tunes and expects to have the credit for it all? i'm fine with somebody tweaking, merely when information technology's reuploaded without straight permission? if i don't empathise modding, and so i'd absolutely dearest to see you try your mitt at producing actual content such as this, and non be disappointed to see somebody else have credit for your hard work. had that happen terminal week, never mentioned my proper name in title, description, or even messaged me earlier-manus.


Some dumb issue I gotta figure out on it. works completely flawless for me and I aint told much by them virtually what the problem actually is so all I can practise is some magical guesswork and redo **** till it ain't ****** no more. And then itll exist approved

some impaired result i gotta effigy out on it. works completely flawless for me and i aint told much by them nearly what the problem actually is and then all i can do is some magical guesswork and redo shit till it own't fucked no more. then itll be approved


Thanks dude, all I wanted was some credit for the original ideas. Not a half bad job on the modern either

thanks dude, all i wanted was some credit for the original ideas. not a half bad task on the mod either


Why does anybody care to upload **** similar this?

why does anybody intendance to upload shit like this?


I realize many of yous may be disappointed that it tin't haul the gooseneck, but the K30 just isn't the type of truck that I want to exist able to haul large trailers. Although it has other advantages going for it like the roof rack with tons of repair and fuel as well as the flatbed to haul something. If the 1st gen gets approved, that would be overnice, it has its advantages and disadvantages to it equally well. Kinda don't desire every truck to be the same matter if that makes sense. Likewise there are other methods of hauling scouts around. Poghrim's trailer pack is very proficient and highly recommended. The tilt-deck pull-behind trailer seems to work very well.

Cheers all for the connected support. I capeesh yall are enjoying the truck every bit information technology is. Have a great remainder of the week.

i realize many of yous may be disappointed that it tin can't haul the gooseneck, but the k30 just isn't the blazon of truck that i want to exist able to booty large trailers. although it has other advantages going for it like the roof rack with tons of repair and fuel as well as the flatbed to haul something. if the 1st gen gets approved, that would be nice, it has its advantages and disadvantages to it likewise. kinda don't desire every truck to exist the aforementioned affair if that makes sense. besides there are other methods of hauling scouts effectually. poghrim's trailer pack is very good and highly recommended. the tilt-deck pull-behind trailer seems to work very well. thank you lot all for the continued support. i capeesh yall are enjoying the truck as it is. take a dandy rest of the week.


Thats pretty low and childish asf to hold such a grudge. Shouldn't they just be doing the job they set out to do and bring user generated content to console, similar come on lmao. It'due south a very raw form of singling out individuals over stupid ****. I could say that I created the mod, and they would take no problem with it yknow

thats pretty low and childish asf to hold such a grudge. shouldn't they merely be doing the job they set out to do and bring user generated content to console, like come on lmao. it'south a very raw course of singling out individuals over stupid shit. i could say that i created the modernistic, and they would have no problem with it yknow


I'm enlightened of the paint outcome just since it just got approved i'll give it old before an update. Doing both authentic and panel versions as separate mods is enough of a pain i deceit think of everything

i'm aware of the pigment issue only since it simply got approved i'll give it sometime earlier an update. doing both authentic and panel versions as separate mods is plenty of a pain i cant think of everything


This is the greatest thing I have always seen

this is the greatest affair i have e'er seen


Its very clear you have a hardon for the mods otherwise you wouldn't be wasting your fourth dimension writing cute little hate comments. Go and play with vanilla vehicles if you care then much about "quality"

its very clear yous take a hardon for the mods otherwise you wouldn't be wasting your time writing cute little detest comments. go and play with vanilla vehicles if you care so much about "quality"


Its his first mod give him some slack

its his start modern requite him some slack


You mean the orangish charger with 01 on the door that goes brr

y'all mean the orange charger with 01 on the door that goes brr


I'll never stop making console friendly mods simply because I accept no reason to. One tiny little rat with a repetitive meaningless comment is far from enough to keep a mod from being canonical for console and thats the uncomplicated reality of it

i'll never stop making panel friendly mods merely because i have no reason to. one tiny little rat with a repetitive meaningless annotate is far from plenty to keep a mod from being approved for console and thats the simple reality of it


It'southward just a logo. There's literally nothing wrong with information technology lmfao. But hey its their choice to go along it from the players for simply no reason, whatevs

it's only a logo. there's literally null wrong with it lmfao. just hey its their choice to go on it from the players for only no reason, whatevs


I won't get banned and it won't get deleted but because there is no "inappropriate content"

i won't get banned and it won't get deleted but because there is no "inappropriate content"


Place your hopes on something else. Seems like they ORG'd this one. smh..

place your hopes on something else. seems like they org'd this one. smh..


Why is this nevertheless here

why is this still here


Simply we're the immature ones dontcha know

but we're the immature ones dontcha know


None of that matters, but would you rather die standing or live kneeling?

none of that matters, but would you rather die standing or live kneeling?


imagine unsubbing from a mod just because of the download size

imagine unsubbing from a mod just because of the download size


Chickemuwing I contacted jellyfoosh about a month agone. He told me if the flag and words "General Lee" were removed from the roof it is okay. Clearly neither of the 2 are shown in the image, only an orange charger with 01 on the door. There should be absolutely no issue in the first identify considering none of the secondary thumbnails shown on are shown in the console mod browser. Therefore, past his statement, (in direct DM to me on discord) there is theoretically no reason to remove the screenshot, and no excuse to not approve this modern for panel. So I don't desire to hear it. It doesn't affair if they think its something when its non.

@[chickemuwing](members:chickemuwing:3131850) i contacted jellyfoosh almost a calendar month ago. he told me if the flag and words "full general lee" were removed from the roof information technology is okay. conspicuously neither of the two are shown in the paradigm, simply an orangish charger with 01 on the door. at that place should be absolutely no upshot in the first place considering none of the secondary thumbnails shown on are shown in the console mod browser. therefore, by his statement, (in direct dm to me on discord) there is theoretically no reason to remove the screenshot, and no alibi to not approve this mod for console. so i don't want to hear information technology. it doesn't matter if they think its something when its not.


No but the devs tin can

no simply the devs tin can


If you ever want a modernistic removed from console all you gotta do is get 1 little bitch to complain to a dev virtually something they recollect is inappropriate. Works every time

if you ever want a modernistic removed from console all you gotta do is get i little bitch to complain to a dev about something they think is inappropriate. works every time


I will effort to get all my mods on console

i volition endeavour to get all my mods on console


Yup. Thats well-nigh it. I never received a message for why either. All we're left with is heresay and gossip going back and forth. Adept to know things never change after highschool. I do this for fun not because my life depends on information technology. So I'1000 not that upset when stupid **** like this happens, usually laugh near it and proceed my day. I exit the panty twists and hurt feelings up to the devs that tin't seem to leave perfectly fine mods alone considering they just wanna **** with the guy that made them, and of grade the community that's affected as a event. With that beingness said, I don't count on information technology existence canonical over again, consider who we're dealing with..

yup. thats almost it. i never received a message for why either. all nosotros're left with is heresay and gossip going back and along. good to know things never alter later on highschool. i exercise this for fun not considering my life depends on information technology. so i'yard non that upset when stupid shit like this happens, usually laugh near information technology and continue my day. i leave the panty twists and hurt feelings up to the devs that can't seem to leave perfectly fine mods alone because they just wanna dick with the guy that made them, and of class the community that'south affected equally a result. with that being said, i don't count on it existence canonical again, consider who we're dealing with..


As well decorated worrying about frog's private mods

too busy worrying nearly frog'due south individual mods


Or let them be salty, have the grudge they have, never approve anymore of his mods over some dumb ****, and they go the community's response in return lol

or let them be salty, have the grudge they have, never approve anymore of his mods over some dumb shit, and they become the customs's response in return lol


I realize this process takes a rather large amount of time.
Soon after publishing this console friendly version of the Spun Blazer, I had received a direct-message on modio from a Saber employee that read only this:
"Hello. Mod not immune on console due to community guidelines"
At this time, there was originally a chevy logo on the grill of the Blazer in the thumbnail that I had non paid any attending to whatever, and was unaware that information technology would cause a problem since information technology is a photo of the real life truck and not of it in-game. Firstly, how near a lilliputian more just that singular sentance next time please?! If you, an employee equally an associative producer, described equally hired to communicate with modders, receiving a yearly salary from a half-dozen or seven-digit worth corporation, knows and hopefully understands the reasoning behind preventing absolutely gratuitous content from reaching hundreds of thousands of players of your game, at least inform me a little more than than just that much... :)
My immediate thoughts were "why?", and i replied to the message asking merely that. Havent gotten a unmarried response dorsum. Judging from receiving this statement, most would assume that the mod had been available to them to test for console at the particular moment. But I could exist mistaken.

Since existence rather indirectly informed on discord past esorokin that this was a trouble on July sixth, I have edited and updated the motion picture to include no logos. All of this makes at least 97.42% sense. So until at present I've patiently waited for at to the lowest degree a mention of this modern being considered for testing, AT To the lowest degree... Simply, rather unsurprisingly.. nothing.
I'd appreciate a evidence of hands upon whoever agrees to those at Saber in charge of console mods arbritralily skipping this mod (and others similar uploaded by myself) for panel approval with no legitimate justification equally to why merely because they experience like it, or considering no further consideration was taken later updating the thumbnail to consider the mod, "console friendly", or merely considering I every bit an individual appear seemingly in clan with a banned (but hilariously unaffected) member of the community.

I'll look..

i realize this process takes a rather large amount of time. soon after publishing this console friendly version of the spun blazer, i had received a direct-bulletin on modio from a saber employee that read only this: "hello. modernistic non allowed on panel due to community guidelines" at this time, there was originally a chevy logo on the grill of the blazer in the thumbnail that i had not paid any attention to whatsoever, and was unaware that information technology would cause a problem since it is a photo of the real life truck and not of it in-game. firstly, how well-nigh a piffling more than just that singular sentance side by side time please?! if you, an employee as an associative producer, described as hired to communicate with modders, receiving a yearly salary from a 6 or 7-digit worth corporation, knows and hopefully understands the reasoning backside preventing absolutely gratuitous content from reaching hundreds of thousands of players of your game, at least inform me a petty more than just that much... :) my firsthand thoughts were "why?", and i replied to the message request but that. havent gotten a single response back. judging from receiving this argument, most would assume that the mod had been available to them to exam for panel at the particular moment. just i could be mistaken. since being rather indirectly informed on discord past esorokin that this was a problem on july 6th, i have edited and updated the picture to include no logos. all of this makes at to the lowest degree 97.42% sense. then until now i've patiently waited for at least a mention of this mod being considered for testing, at least... but, rather unsurprisingly.. nothing. i'd appreciate a prove of easily upon whoever agrees to those at saber in charge of console mods arbritralily skipping this modernistic (and others similar uploaded past myself) for console approval with no legitimate justification equally to why just considering they feel similar it, or because no further consideration was taken after updating the thumbnail to consider the modern, "console friendly", or just because i as an individual announced seemingly in association with a banned (but hilariously unaffected) fellow member of the community. i'll look..


Very creative dude, goes way farther than just a tweak simce they requite the states the raw files of this one. Simply looking at the pictures the only visual thing i would do is give it the regular sized driveshaft and not the mini toothpick one. Also if its possible peradventure lower the shackle mounts on the frame so the springs arent as stretched.

very creative dude, goes way further than only a tweak simce they requite us the raw files of this ane. just looking at the pictures the just visual thing i would do is give it the regular sized driveshaft and non the mini toothpick 1. as well if its possible maybe lower the shackle mounts on the frame so the springs arent as stretched.


What if i didnt

what if i didnt


For existent tho people should really become over themselves when information technology comes to mods, y'all're not forced to similar or use any modernistic. And you're as well not forced to like whatsoever modders in particular. Information technology'southward your personal right and freedom to accept an stance, just its also the personal correct and freedom to make mods and exist who y'all are.

for real tho people should actually go over themselves when it comes to mods, you're not forced to like or use any mod. and you're too not forced to like any modders in particular. it'due south your personal right and liberty to have an opinion, but its also the personal right and freedom to make mods and exist who you lot are.


Finally someone that speaks english around hither

finally someone that speaks english around hither


Awe someones all butthurt cause of a custom horn they dont like. Go use some **** ripped mods and tweaks if y'all hate good quality so much lmao

awe someones all butthurt crusade of a custom horn they dont like. become use some shit ripped mods and tweaks if yous hate practiced quality and so much lmao


Awwwwwwe.... poor baby. Tin can't assistance but complain about free content. Oh well, guess other players volition bask and appreciate the style of these mods and NOT yous lol

awwwwwwe.... poor baby. can't help but mutter well-nigh complimentary content. oh well, guess other players will savour and appreciate the style of these mods and non you lol


And if it doesn't I'll enquire an approving team member what I'll need to do

and if it doesn't i'll ask an approving team fellow member what i'll need to do


How exercise i get it on my nintendo playbox 420 S pro

how do i get information technology on my nintendo playbox 420 southward pro


Don't subscribe to information technology if you're on PC because the PC .pak file is removed to free space on panel
PC version of this modernistic:

don't subscribe to it if y'all're on pc considering the pc .pak file is removed to free space on console pc version of this mod:


TnB_invalid_BudLite damn, are you a snowrunner programmer? Sounds like something they would say ngl
Too you have no valid proof to back up your statement fuggin. Gotta try harder than that bro
Oh and you lot'd be surprised how many mods frog helped with that are on panel, further proving you wrong. Cant say which ones tho cause that runs the take chances of them getting removed, only they're there clear as day

@[tnb_invalid_budlite](members:whogotporked:3136444) damn, are you a snowrunner developer? sounds similar something they would say ngl also you have no valid proof to back up your argument fuggin. gotta try harder than that bro oh and you lot'd be surprised how many mods frog helped with that are on console, further proving you wrong. cant say which ones tho cause that runs the run a risk of them getting removed, but they're there clear as day


Information technology was crashing playstation that'southward all I know. Waiting on esorokin to tell me what is wrong

information technology was crashing playstation that'southward all i know. waiting on esorokin to tell me what is incorrect


sorry? its.. a turbo diesel....??

pitiful? its.. a turbo diesel fuel....??


Bud.. you gotta remember, non everything has to drive like a vanilla game scout. I can make information technology drive however I desire it to. Trying not to be an ******* but yeah. lol

bud.. you gotta remember, non everything has to drive like a vanilla game scout. i tin can brand it drive all the same i want it to. trying not to be an asshole but yeah. lol


Whenever the devs decide to?

whenever the devs decide to?


I told my auto to be racist. Information technology just sat there.

i told my auto to exist racist. it just saturday there.


lets become brandon

lets go brandon


As long as nosotros push button the narrative that because of the mention of frog (which by the style shouldn't matter 1 single bit), a mod shouldn't exist allowed to come to panel, it won't. And so practiced task. Nobody is giving in to the staff at focus'southward petty high horses of tyranny

as long as we button the narrative that because of the mention of frog (which past the fashion shouldn't matter i single scrap), a mod shouldn't be allowed to come up to console, it won't. so expert job. nobody is giving in to the staff at focus'south petty loftier horses of tyranny


Update was just a change to the long flatbed to make the ramps wider and closer together and so you can load narrower vehicles

update was merely a change to the long flatbed to brand the ramps wider and closer together so you can load narrower vehicles


@[vacuumssuck2016008](members:vacuumssuck2016008:3144999) eventually


whos brandon, **** joe biden

whos brandon, fuck joe biden


I get what you lot mean since a lot of other mods let it. But my standards for my mods accept evolved slightly since last year. The fashion I build a truck out I'd rather give it but one fix suspension height and max wheel size that dont prune fenders specifically for that type of geometry and beam setup. The more proper fashion in my opinion

i become what you mean since a lot of other mods let it. merely my standards for my mods take evolved slightly since last yr. the way i build a truck out i'd rather give it only i gear up intermission height and max wheel size that dont clip fenders specifically for that type of geometry and axle setup. the more proper way in my opinion


Thanks bud i appreciate it. From what i know youre the only map maker thats modded all iii games. Much respect dude, e'er a great time on the trails

thanks bud i appreciate it. from what i know youre the just map maker thats modded all iii games. much respect dude, always a great time on the trails


Thanks bud all the horse **** is just hilarious and makes my solar day I just sit back watch the show and laugh my *** off

thanks bud all the horse shit is only hilarious and makes my twenty-four hour period i only sit back watch the bear witness and laugh my ass off


Actually observe how much your improving your stuff bro nice piece of work keep at information technology

actually discover how much your improving your stuff bro dainty work keep at it


If youre gonna delete just the mods that say frog you lot might aswell delete all mods ive uploaded since your agenda runs off of heresay and guesswork, and the ones still public on console and PC from his original account... That manner youre sure to **** off a handful of your players

if youre gonna delete simply the mods that say frog you might aswell delete all mods ive uploaded since your agenda runs off of heresay and guesswork, and the ones even so public on console and pc from his original account... that way youre sure to piss off a handful of your players


ChasedSky2 not yet, it has to be approved kickoff

@[chasedsky2](members:chasedsky2:3145297) not still, it has to exist approved first


You love the move bitch horn dont y'all

you lot love the motility bitch horn dont yous


Besides bad modio "burries" comments when they get more than than 5 downvotes. I have the ability to delete any comment I want on my mods, ones from this clown particularly. But they're but too damn funny i'd rather them exist left hither for yall to read and then just die on the floor shortly afterwards

too bad modio "burries" comments when they get more than than v downvotes. i have the ability to delete any comment i want on my mods, ones from this clown peculiarly. but they're just as well damn funny i'd rather them be left here for yall to read and and so just die on the flooring shortly after


Imagine going to modio and clicking on a mods page just to write this

imagine going to modio and clicking on a mods page merely to write this


Wen u puting it on consol

wen u puting it on consol


And then y'all dont want free content brought to the public for everyone to enjoy. You lot desire the devs petty unfounded suspicion that a mod was "probably" fabricated past frog to go along mods from console just because they dont similar him. Thats funny

so you dont want gratuitous content brought to the public for anybody to bask. y'all want the devs trivial unfounded suspicion that a mod was "probably" made by frog to continue mods from console just because they dont similar him. thats funny


pretty creative man

pretty creative man


You got the incorrect guy lol go bank check out some of zidon's offroad drive mods maybe, mods that ARE stolen models from another game...

you got the wrong guy lol get check out some of zidon's offroad drive mods maybe, mods that are stolen models from another game...


The terms "Gen iii" or "3rd Gen" are non trademarked by dodge in any way

the terms "gen 3" or "third gen" are not trademarked by contrivance in any way


Zcoles54 information technology hasn't been approved for console even so

@[zcoles54](members:zcoles54:4443678) it hasn't been approved for console yet


Checked a flake of this out tonight earlier bed and **** the views are amazing its pretty spot on with the m canyon look for existent guys. Merely thing i wish it had more of was some solid rocks (dubz's for example) in more of the trenches and gulleys up through to the peaks effectually the corners of the map instead of just all clay and distribution models but then i havennt been around the whole thing however so i might meet some expert ole rock formations to crawl through. Only my two cents of gustation but overall its a killer map for sure. From the clarification it seems you focused more on the objective based gameplay overall tho. Imo still the pinnacle wheelin way experience we've all been waiting for since release of the game.

checked a fleck of this out tonight before bed and shit the views are amazing its pretty spot on with the grand canyon wait for existent guys. only matter i wish information technology had more of was some solid rocks (dubz's for example) in more of the trenches and gulleys up through to the peaks around the corners of the map instead of just all clay and distribution models but and so i havennt been around the whole matter yet then i might run into some practiced ole rock formations to crawl through. just my two cents of taste simply overall its a killer map for certain. from the description it seems you focused more on the objective based gameplay overall tho. imo still the summit wheelin fashion experience nosotros've all been waiting for since release of the game.


Cheers. I didn't feel like modeling it and I recollect the old one looks ameliorate anyway

thanks. i didn't feel like modeling it and i think the old one looks amend anyway


I recollect esorokin made up a priority list for himself that may not employ to the rest of the team, who knows. Keep in mind there are more people than only him approval mods

i recollect esorokin made upwards a priority list for himself that may not apply to the rest of the team, who knows. keep in listen there are more people than just him approving mods


Hasn't been approved notwithstanding

hasn't been approved yet


So information technology handles similar a existent jeep

and then it handles like a real jeep


Gongradulations to whoever console players got to utilize information technology while you could. We'll be doing console takedown speedruns shortly ;)

gongradulations to whoever panel players got to apply it while you lot could. we'll be doing console takedown speedruns soon ;)


Maybe, if yall conduct

maybe, if yall behave


Hey Focus staff! Wanna try banning a REAL frog alt? Instead of someone that simply released their own Commissioned mod, bold that they're him? smh...

hey focus staff! wanna try banning a existent frog alt? instead of someone that simply released their own commissioned mod, assuming that they're him? smh...


Thats the programme. 2 separate versions for panel and pc from now on. so I'll be doing that to my other already public mods in the nigh future. did what i did to this 1 merely to come across what would happen. Maybe a bit confusing to manage both versions but we'll come across how information technology goes

thats the plan. two separate versions for console and pc from now on. so i'll be doing that to my other already public mods in the near hereafter. did what i did to this i simply to see what would happen. maybe a scrap confusing to manage both versions but nosotros'll see how it goes


Simply it is frogs....

only it is frogs....


The toxicity is vile tonight

the toxicity is vile tonight


If any modder updates their currently console canonical mod it will disappear until they approve it over again. I'll leave information technology be for a few weeks and then console people can have a decent mod stay on the browser without being taken downwards for some stupid reason or updates for one time

if any modder updates their currently panel approved mod information technology will disappear until they approve it once more. i'll leave it be for a few weeks and then console people can have a decent mod stay on the browser without beingness taken down for some stupid reason or updates for once


Yea frog getting banned.. not right. Totally agree

yea frog getting banned.. non right. totally agree


Looks pretty good bud

looks pretty good bud


Good to know

adept to know


DGDMEDIZEN420 Sorry, an fault occurred and your bulletin could non be sent. Please endeavor again later

@[dgdmedizen420](members:dgdmedizen420:3224626) sorry, an error occurred and your message could non exist sent. please try again later


Deplorable? Non my fault information technology would get taken down if it had it. I wish it could exist called what it is and have the confederate flag the way it should be but we take snowflakes nowadays. Complain to the softies at focus that recollect its inappropriate and offensive

sorry? not my mistake information technology would become taken down if it had it. i wish information technology could be called what it is and have the amalgamated flag the way it should exist but nosotros have snowflakes nowadays. mutter to the softies at focus that think its inappropriate and offensive

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