Read Both Double and String in Files?


A string is a sequence of one or more characters that may consist of messages, numbers, or symbols. Strings in JavaScript are archaic data types and immutable, which ways they are unchanging.

Equally strings are the way we display and work with text, and text is our chief way of communicating and understanding through computers, strings are i of the most fundamental concepts of programming to exist familiar with.

In this article, we're going to learn how to create and view the output of strings, how to concatenate strings, how to store strings in variables, and the rules of using quotes, apostrophes, and newlines within strings in JavaScript.

Creating and Viewing the Output of Strings

In JavaScript, at that place are three ways to write a string — they can be written inside single quotes (' '), double quotes (" "), or backticks (` `). The blazon of quote used must lucifer on both sides, nonetheless it is possible that all three styles can be used throughout the same script.

Strings using double quotes and unmarried quotes are effectively the same. As there is no convention or official preference for unmarried- or double-quoted strings, all that matters is keeping consistent within project program files.

                      'This string uses single quotes.'            ;                  
                      "This string uses double quotes."            ;                  

The 3rd and newest way to create a string is called a template literal. Template literals utilize the backtick (as well known equally a grave emphasis) and work the same way as regular strings with a few boosted bonuses, which we will cover in this commodity.

                                    `              This cord uses backticks.              `                        ;                  

The easiest mode to view the output of a string is to print information technology to the console, with console.log():

          console.            log            (            "This is a string in the console."            )            ;                  


This is a string in the console.

Another elementary style to output a value is to transport an alert popup to the browser with warning():

                      alert            (            "This is a string in an alert."            )            ;                  

Running the line above volition produce the post-obit output in the browser'southward user interface:

JavaScript Alert String Output

warning() is a less common method of testing and viewing output, as information technology can chop-chop become tedious to close the alerts.

Storing a String in a Variable

Variables in JavaScript are named containers that store a value, using the keywords var, const or permit. We can assign the value of a cord to a named variable.

                      const            newString            =            "This is a string assigned to a variable."            ;                  

Now that the newString variable contains our cord, we can reference information technology and print it to the panel.

          console.            log            (newString)            ;                  

This volition output the string value.



This is a string assigned to a variable.

By using variables to stand up in for strings, we do not have to retype a string each time nosotros want to use it, making it simpler for us to work with and manipulate strings within our programs.

String Concatenation

Chain means joining 2 or more strings together to create a new cord. In society to concatenate, we use the concatenation operator, represented past a + symbol. The + symbol is also the addition operator when used with arithmetic operations.

Let's create a simple case of concatenation, between "Sea" and "horse".

                      "Ocean"            +            "horse"            ;                  



Concatenation joins the strings end to stop, combining them and outputting a make new string value. If we would like to have a space between the words Sea and horse, nosotros would demand to include a whitespace graphic symbol in one of the strings:

                      "Sea "            +            "horse"            ;                  


Bounding main equus caballus

We join strings and variables containing string values with concatenation.

                      const            poem            =            "The Wide Ocean"            ;            const            author            =            "Pablo Neruda"            ;            const            favePoem            =            "My favorite poem is "            +            poem            +            " past "            +            author            +            "."            ;                  


My favorite poem is The Wide Ocean past Pablo Neruda.

When we combine two or more strings through concatenation nosotros are creating a new string that we tin apply throughout our program.

Variables in Strings with Template Literals

Ane special feature of the template literal feature is the ability to include expressions and variables within a cord. Instead of having to use concatenation, we tin can utilise the ${} syntax to insert a variable.

                      const            poem            =            "The Broad Ocean"            ;            const            author            =            "Pablo Neruda"            ;            const            favePoem            =                          `              My favorite poem is                                            ${poem}                                            by                                            ${author}                            .              `                        ;                  


My favorite poem is The Wide Ocean by Pablo Neruda.

As nosotros can run into, including expressions in template literals is another way to attain the same result. In this case, using template literals might exist easier to write and more convenient.

String Literals and String Values

You might find that the strings we write in the source code are encased in quotes or backticks, but the bodily printed output does non include any quotations.

                      "Beyond the Bounding main"            ;                  


Beyond the Sea

There is a distinction when referring to each of these. A string literal is the string equally it is written in the source code, including quotations. A string value is what we see in the output, and does not include quotations.

In the to a higher place example, "Beyond the Bounding main" is a string literal, and Beyond the Sea is a string value.

Escaping Quotes and Apostrophes in Strings

Due to the fact that quotation marks are used to denote strings, special considerations must be made when using apostrophes and quotes in strings. Attempting to utilize an apostrophe in the middle of a single-quoted string, for example, will cease the string, and JavaScript will attempt to parse the rest of the intended cord as code.

Nosotros can meet this by attempting to utilize an apostrophe in the I'm contraction below:

                      const            brokenString            =            'I'k a broken string';            console.            log            (brokenString)            ;                  


: Unexpected token ( 1 : 24 )

The same would use to attempting to use quotes in a double-quoted cord.

In order to avoid an error being thrown in these situations, we have a few options that we tin apply:

  • Opposite string syntax
  • Escape characters
  • Template literals

We will explore these options beneath.

Using the Alternate String Syntax

An easy way to get around isolated cases of potentially broken strings is to utilize the opposite string syntax of the one you're currently using.

For example, apostrophes in strings built with ".

                      "Nosotros're safely using an apostrophe in double quotes."                  

Quotation marks in strings built with '.

                      'Then he said, "Hello, World!"'            ;                  

In the mode we combine single and double quotes, we can control the display of quotation marks and apostrophes inside our strings. Nonetheless, when we are working to utilize consistent syntax inside project programming files, this can be difficult to maintain throughout a codebase.

Using the Escape Character (\)

Nosotros tin use the backslash (\) escape character to forbid JavaScript from interpreting a quote as the finish of the string.

The syntax of \' volition always be a single quote, and the syntax of \" volition e'er be a double quote, without any fear of breaking the string.

Using this method, we can use apostrophes in strings built with ".

                      'We\'re safely using an apostrophe in unmarried quotes.'                  

Nosotros can also utilize quotation marks in strings built with ".

                      "Then he said, \"Hello, World!\""            ;                  

This method is a bit messier looking, just you may need to use both an apostrophe and a quotation mark inside the same string, which volition brand escaping necessary.

Using Template Literals

Template literals are defined with backticks, and therefore both quotes and apostrophes can exist used safely without whatsoever sort of extra escaping or consideration.

          `We're safely using apostrophes and "quotes" in a template literal.`;                  

In improver to preventing the need for character escaping and allowing embedded expressions, template literals provide multi-line support equally well, which we will discuss in the next section.

With alternating string syntax, using escape characters, and using template literals, there are several ways to safely create a string.

Long Strings and Newlines

There are times you may want to insert a newline character, or carriage return in your cord. The \n or \r escape characters can be used to insert a newline in the output of code.

                      const            threeLines            =            "This is a string\nthat spans beyond\nthree lines."            ;                  


This is a cord that spans across three lines.

This technically works to go our output on multiple lines. Still, writing a very long string on a unmarried line will chop-chop become very hard to read and work with. We tin can utilize the chain operator to show the string on multiple lines.

                      const            threeLines            =            "This is a string\n"            +            "that spans beyond\n"            +            "three lines."            ;                  

Instead of concatenating multiple strings, nosotros can apply the \ escape character to escape the newline.

                      const            threeLines            =            "This is a string\n\ that spans across\n\ three lines."            ;                  

Annotation: This method is not preferred, as it may cause issues with some browsers and minifiers.

In society to brand code more readable, nosotros tin can instead use template literal strings. These eliminate the demand for concatenation or escaping on long strings containing newlines. The string as well every bit newlines will exist preserved.

                      const            threeLines            =                          `              This is a string that spans across three lines.              `                        ;                  


This is a string that spans across three lines.

It'due south of import to be enlightened of all the ways of creating newlines and strings that span beyond multiple lines, equally different code bases may be using various standards.


In this article, we went over the nuts of working with strings in JavaScript, from creating and displaying string literals using unmarried and double quotes, creating template literals, concatenation, escaping, and assigning string values to variables.


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